Mischief at the Zoo
Mischief at the Zoo is an A B C's Book written and Illustrated by myself. One morning the Zoo Keeper comes to find all the animals have escaped and are up to all sorts of mischief! A-Z we follow along with what the animals are up to but not everything is as to seems! Bears are bound to break a few benches practicing ballet and Walruses are just not good at technology. Everything the animals were trying to accomplish is revealed in the surprise ending, hey it's the thought that counts! Things may not go as smoothly as we like and it can be frustrating but when it's done with love the results can be magical!
Text and Images Copyright © Avery Grant 2023
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
To read the whole story pease contact me at averylaurengrant@gmail.com